Sex shaped the Internet as it exists today. Whether you call it adult
content, smut, erotica or pornography; whether you consider it
disgusting or titillating, the facts are clear that without business
and technical pioneers in the online sex business, the World Wide Web
would never have grown so big so quickly.
Without consumer demand for big,
bandwidth-hogging sex pictures and streaming video, Cisco would never
have sold so many routers and Sun Microsystems so many servers. Without
programming pioneers trying to perfect video streaming software that
would deliver images of copulation and procreation to paying customers
hooked up with a 28.8 kbps dial-up modem, it is unlikely that CNN would
be effectively delivering news clips of global breaking news. Without
sex-oriented chat and forums to sustain its early years, America Online
might never have survived. The e-commerce payment systems that are so
common today would be in a far more primitive stage of development,
security and usability. Indeed, without advertising from sex sites,
Yahoo! would be just another Web company with a bloody red bottom line.
The first no-holds barred business
and technology analysis of the $31 billion-dollar U.S. sex industry and
how it has played a pivotal role in shaping the technology, content and
economics of the Internet and the Worldwide Web.
(Select Chapter from list at upper left of this page.)
CHAPTER 1 A Star is Porn
CHAPTER 2 ePocrisy
CHAPTER 3 Sex: The Key to Profitable Content
CHAPTER 4 Product Sales Affiliate Programs
CHAPTER 5 Hardcore Gets Softer
CHAPTER 6 Spam, Scams and Flim-Flams
CHAPTER 7 Consumer Fraud: By Consumers
CHAPTER 8 Real-Time Web Transactions and Fraud
CHAPTER 9 Piracy, Hijacking, Burglary & Spam
CHAPTER 10 Dreamin’ of Streamin’
CHAPTER 11 How The Internet is Shaping Sex
CHAPTER 12 The Future Holds…?
APPENDIX A Deep Bandwidth
APPENDIX B Effectiveness of Internet Marketing
APPENDIX C Take The Money and Run(For the Border)
APPENDIX D Dial O11 for Trouble